Thursday, December 14, 2017

Like Mary

True Story: Almost every day I manage to look at a clock, whether it's the one on my living room wall, the one in the car, on the stovetop, microwave, or in a store, at 9:11. Mostly AM, sometimes PM. When this started I just thought it was funny. Then I thought that I would look to see what Psalm 9:11 says on a whim. It says: Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what He has done.

Throughout the year, I have periodically written about the things that God has done because I am all about giving credit where credit is due. But in the midst of Advent and reading the accounts of the birth of Christ and the events leading up to it in the Gospels, I never once considered adopting Mary's philosphy that from now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me. Why? Because I'm not Mary and I certainly didn't participate in a miraculous birth. Or did I?

Did I by the grace of God become a mom and have I been blessed to be called mom by them since 2003 and 2005? Yes.

Has God done great and wonderous things for me that I would have not expected and certainly didn't deserve? Something like a surgery that put my mind at ease before I had to go back on a medicine I don't particularly like? Absolutely.

Should I be considered blessed? Without a doubt. And so should you.

It's easy to look at someone like Mary and her calling to carry Jesus and elevate her to a level that puts her above us in the heirarchy of people. Heck, it's tempting to do that with the female spiritual giants of our day. (Y'all now how I love Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Rebekah Lyons, Holley Gerth, Bianca Olthoff, and Ann Voskamp just to name a few.)  But the reality is they are no better than us, and we are no better than them. God made each of us uniquely and He has done incredible things for all of us.

And truthfully, if we aren't talking about what God has done for us, how can others have permission to see and tell what God has done for them? Why do we minimize what has happened? Do we think it wasn't that big of a deal? Do we attribute it to our hard work or determination? Do we think it makes us sound prideful? Talking about what God has done not only increases our faith and the faith of others because faith comes by hearing, but also acknowledges to our hearts and minds that God is mindful of us and our circumstances. And I'm pretty sure we all need that reminder.

So here's the challenge. If we were to sit down over the next several days (or perhaps on Sunday which might be a really good day to do it), how many things could we list in the past year that God has done for us? Think of all He has taught us, all He has revealed to us, all the ways He has lead us, every circumstance He changed for us, the surprises, unexpected periods of rest, blessed subtractions, and so much more.

As women, we are so much more like Mary than we think. And like her, we can stake our claim on being labeled blessed because God has been mindful of us. As Chrsitmas is quickly approaching, let's really begin to magnify the Lord and fully engage as our spirits rejoice in God our Savior. It will be worth it. I promise.

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