Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wish List

I remember when I was little that I was always excited for Christmas. As I got older, the excitement remained but was about different things. It wasn't so much about the presents (although presents are great), it was about being with family, laughing, and making memories.

But the problem with experiencing a lot of Christmas's is how the table changes. The people that aren't there because now they celebrate Christmas in heaven or the geographical distance, weather, or work schedules that have become a barrier. And it's not that Christmas isn't wonderful, it's that what you want most, what matters most, isn't always a Christmas wish that can be granted.

When I was younger I would write down typical things....clothes, specific toys like a Cabbage Patch Doll (when they were the new hot toy circa 1983), and stickers. Stickers were all the rage when I was a kid. You collected them, traded them, scratched and sniffed them. And while I can still manage a Christmas list to give to my husband and kids to decide what I might unwrap, the real list is in my heart.

1. I wish that all people would know just how much Jesus loves them.

2. I wish that no one ever felt alone, helpless, or hopeless.

3. I wish that any time any person needed a hug, someone was there to hold them close and tell them it will be okay.

4. I wish that no one would say hurtful things that they think are harmless or funny.

5. I wish that everyone knew that the lies they believe about themselves were in no way true.

When Jesus was presented in the temple as a baby, a righteous and devout man named Simeon was there. He spoke these words to Mary: This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too." (Luke 1:34-35)

And so my greatest prayer and wish this Christmas is that this baby will continually reveal what is in our hearts, heal what is not of Him, and cause us to rise up in His Name. He came to give us life, hope, and a future. May He pierce our souls to move us to do what He created us for.

Bonus Track
Amy Grant
Grown Up Chirstmas List

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