Saturday, January 21, 2017

Just Breathe

Joshua 10

Time is one of those things that always feels like it's in short supply.  There are so many good things we want to do but with responsibilities, commitments, and demands, there never seems to be enough to go around for everything.  Plus, if we did everything, we'd be exhausted and nothing would get done well, least of all with the excellence we are called to work with.

Reading where the sun stood still and delayed going down for about a day makes me wonder what I'd do with the extra time.  The answer to that question alone shows a lot about a person's priorities.  Not necessarily the ones you are living, but the ones you wish you were living.  And when you answer it you are likely to realize one of two things:  where you really want to be investing your time or where you are spending too much time.

For example, if you say you'd spend more time with a friend, your family, volunteering, etc. it can force you to look at what has taken a priority over that thus limiting your availability to do it.  Is it mindless scrolling on social media, addicting game apps, or perfecting the condition of your home?  Are you binge watching Netfllix, shopping on amazon for things you aren't buying, or obsessing over things you can't control?  Once you know what is taking your time, you can begin to make the necessary adjustments to overcome the obstacle.

Now please realize I am not writing from a place of excellent time stewardship.  I am just learning this one myself.  But here's what I've realized so far......When you prioritize properly, somehow your time multiplies, your energy increases, you become more productive, AND you even find pockets of time you didn't know existed.  It is the complete reality of "Seek first" and then having "all these things added" to your life.

Knowing we only have one life to live and we have no idea when our time will be up, we need to make sure we steward it as wisely as we can.  I still enjoy my biggest 'time waster' but not nearly to the extent I was and definitely not to the detriment of my priorities and most important responsibilities.  (My daughter has an app on her ipod that mommy decided was the best game in the world ~ out of respect for your time, I won't be sharing what it is.)  And sometimes we have a lot of good things on our plates.  It's why we need to seek God in determining what's best.  That's the only way we will realize that the other things either weren't as important as we think they were OR this just isn't the season for them.

Jesus, there are so many things that seek our attention.  Help us to focus on the things You have entrusted to our care and help us to do them with excellence.  Reveal the things that are robbing us of joy because we are spreading ourselves to thin.  And build our faith in the knowledge that what was removed was done through a blessed subtraction.  In Your peace~giving name we pray.  Amen.

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