Friday, January 6, 2017

Strangely Dim

Romans 1

God doesn't hide from us.....He reveals Himself plainly through creation, His word, Jesus, and the cross.  He wants us to know Him, He wants a relationship with us, and He wants to be the most important part of our lives.

Even in the very beginning God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden.  He showed Himself and expressed His desire for a relationship with them by talking to them and spending time with them.  And even when they hid because of their nakedness and sin, He sought them.  He was willing to do what it took to remain a part of their lives despite the fact that they took matters into their own hands and did as they pleased not as He told them.  And we get this.  There are not many who would abandon their children for an awful matter how bad it was or how destructive the consequences may be.

And God continually does the same thing with us.  Unfortunately we sometimes try to explain away the divine which only serves to decrease our faith, increase our doubt, and place God in a box that cannot contain Him.  But what if when our limited ability to understand is magnified we choose instead to live by faith?  It's through the increase of our faith that our relationship with Jesus grows, flourishes, and produces amazing fruit.

This is why it's so important to retain the knowledge of God.  This knowledge yields a desire to live as He intends, produces a righteousness of His doing, and gives us a mind that is whole and holy.  The grace and peace we have can only come from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.  And His revelation of Himself to us is only limited by the blindness we place upon ourselves when we focus on our desires more than our needs.  Let's turn our eyes upon Jesus instead and then watch as the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

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