Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Girl on Fire

A few weeks ago my memory verse was Ephesians 4:1 As a prisoner for the the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Sunday morning I heard a sermon based on the Great Commisson. Today, I received this teaser graphic for The Last Arrow by Erwin McManus book launch. Coincidence? Not likely.

The thing is, a great many of us tend to wait for specific instructions about doing something because we don't want to mess it up. And while it's a noble thought that we want to do exactly what God wants us to do, it also grossly over-exaggerates our ability to impact and gravely underestimates God's power. First, if we are doing something we shouldn't be, He will stop us. Second, if we are attempting to do something we shouldn't, He's not going to let us get started. It really is just that simple.

But somewhere in between lies the talents He has given us and expects us to use that neighbors the dreams in our hearts of what we would do if we knew we couldn't fail. And truth be told, it's one of the reasons this blog started. I verbalized at Bible study that I would write when asked that question. What I hadn't anticipated was a positive response. And if you knew these women you would understand why I had to start because I'd rather die than let them down. What's scary is that my dream is to write a book or a Bible study. About what? I'm not really sure.

See the thing is, faith in action is a weird concept. We think that if we start doing something -or shooting arrows- that results are going to start flying all around us, in every direction possible, and hitting a bullseye every time. But the reality is that each arrow that we put in the bow and release is going to go where God wants, not necessarily where we hope. But if we aren't even loading the arrow, it can't go anywhere stuck in the quiver.

What we need to realize though is that by doing something (action) and trusting God to do something with it (faith), we are essentially working on leaving the place where we currently stand. And if we honestly knew where we were headed we might chicken out if the road looks too scary, get lax because we know the destination, or be less than enthusiastic because it's not what we had in mind but can't yet comprehend what God is going to do internally through the process.

All of this takes me back to the graphic. At some point we have to be honest with ourselves about why we still are where we are. Because any answer we give we ultimately have to admit is a lousy excuse. Why? Because whatever reason we give we are saying is bigger and more powerful than God. I could say that I don't write as much as I want or haven't started penning a book yet because I don't have the chunks of solitude I need to research. Or I could trust God to multiply the time I put in during the moments He chooses to provide.

While I haven't started reading the book yet (I'm told it will be a couple weeks until it is in my hand), I am beyond excited to see what these pages have in store. Because if God went out of His way to put me on this launch team, I am certain it's a message He needs me to read.

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