Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Vine

Two things I don't do.....drink wine or tend a garden. Wine gives me a roaring headache and I have killed every plant I have ever attempted to grow. Truthfully I could probably kill a plastic plant.

Unfortunately my lack of gardening skills has always left me puzzled by the concept of being a grafted branch and what that looks like and means. In an effort to get it I found this video. My prayer is that as we watch and begin to comprehend this amazing plan, we'll be able to stop relying so heavily on ourselves and truly allow the life of Jesus that is now in us to flow through us. We really can't do it on our own and we desperately need to stop trying.

"I am indeed a branch of Jesus, the True Vine, abiding in Him, resting on Him,
waiting for Him, serving Him, and living so that through me, too, He may
exhibit the riches of His grace, and give His fruit to a dying world."

"Think, believer, how completely I belong to you. I have joined myself inseparably
to you; all the fullness and fatness of the Vine are yours. It is My desire and My honor
to make you a fruitful branch; only Abide in Me. You are weak, but I am strong; you
are poor, but I am rich. Only abide in Me; yield yourself wholly to My teaching and rule;
simply trust My love, My grace, and My promises. Only believe; I am wholly yours;
I am the Vine, you are the branch. Abide in Me."

exceprts from Abiding in Christ by Andrew Murray, updated edition 

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