Monday, February 20, 2017

For Such a Time as This

Luke 2

If I were to take the time to think about and write out the kind of woman I desperately want to be, there are some things that would require clarification.  I can put down that I want to be a good wife or a good mom but without qualifying it with the actions that would define me as such, it wouldn't mean much and it would be almost impossible to determine if I'm actually achieving the goal.  A good wife could just be one who doesn't raise her voice to her husband in public and a good mom could be one who remembers to feed her kids.  If you know me, you know I want to go way beyond those actions.

While the Bible is not short on examples of godly women, reading in Luke 2 about Mary this morning opened my eyes to a trait of hers I have decided I desperately want.  After the shepherds arrived to see Jesus in the manger and told everyone about it, after Simeon held up Jesus and declared who He was in prayer, and after finding Jesus in the temple after they had left without Him at Passover, "Mary treasured all the things she heard in her heart."

Every morning that God sees fit to wake me up, I want to spend time in His word.  I do this because regardless of anything else that is on my plate for the day, if I am going to remain a reasonable and functional human being, this is mandatory for my sanity.  Being an adult is hard, being a parent isn't for the faint of heart, being a wife can feel overwhelming.  None of these things are difficult in and of themselves, but when you want to do them well and are aware of your shortcomings, it can certainly make them feel like daunting assignments.

Every morning I spend in God's word is intentional.  I want to learn more about Him, how He sees me, what He wants me to do.  And without fail, He gives me something.  I look at it as my personal daily bread.  His gift to sustain me for another day of serving Him.  But what I wasn't consciously aware of until this morning, is that I don't often take the time with my piece of manna and truly treasure it in my heart.  It almost feels like calling ahead to my favorite bakery on a Friday morning to request two loaves of pepperoni bread.  I lay my request out, wait until the proper time, go pick it up without thought, and then give it to my family to enjoy.  I'm not treasuring the opportunity, availability, or delivery.  I get what I need and go without further thought.

But what if, like Mary, I started to treasure the things revealed to me?  What if I thought about them throughout that day and the days to come?   Wouldn't that naturally lead to a life of constant worship because I am more consciously aware of His presence and influence?  Wouldn't that in turn naturally flow to all areas of my life, not just being a wife and mother?  Wouldn't I then be living a life worthy of my calling?

The fast paced world we live in often doesn't give us the time we desperately desire to do the things we really want to do.  We must choose to steward our time wisely and maximize every moment we are given.  But in God's economy, somehow, someway, trusting Him with the time He has given us in the first place, we always end up with more than enough.

Father, I am sorry for the times I have rushed through the time You want to spend with me.  I have gotten what I needed and just moved on to the next thing on my list.  I want to slow down and treasure the things You reveal, ponder them in my heart, and have them flood every area of my life.  I know that if I live, move, and breathe at your pace, in the rhythm of your grace, not only will You see to it that I do the things You have planned for me, but peace and joy will be the end result.  I praise You for Your word, Your understanding, and Your love.  Amen

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