Now, the table was large, and the lighting wasn't perfect, so it's not unreasonable for this to have happened. Needless to say she was suprised to find out that this mole has been there for quite some time.
But I wonder how often we go through our days seeing things that aren't there. Do we see failures that are actually lessons we are supposed to learn? Do we see delays that are intentional provision? Do we see chaos instead of divine intervention? And are we willing to look beyond our perspective and frustrtation to try and see things from God's point of view?
This morning I wrote this piece of wisdom to myself in my planner:
Focusing on Jesus keeps everything else in perspective.
If things appear crazy or out of sync, check your line of sight.
I have no idea if I'll remember that when I turn the page at the end of this week. But I do know that any moment I get distracted by shiny objects, all heck seems to break loose. And why? Because the only shiny object I should be seeking is the glory of God.
Michelle Myers is famous for reminding the women of She Works His Way to stay in our own lanes, running at God's pace in the race He marked out for us individually. It seems that whenever we look to our right and left, that's we end up falling flat on our faces because we're trying to overcome someone else's hurdles and are missing our own.
I'll be the first to admit I've looked around far too often trying to figure out how other people have acheived what I would love to do. But they aren't me, and I'm not them. God has made me uniquely to do things His way with my own creative spin, not theirs. And maybe that's why I'm finally writing; because I decided to breathe deep and be okay with who God intended for me to be and not a knock off of someone else. After all, designer originals are far more valuable than cheap imitations.
I don't know why we start to believe that we aren't already enough being who God created us to be. Maybe it's the airbrushed images in magazines or the commercials that claim to be able to give us the success we haven't achieved. But I think it's time to take our stand as daughters of the King of Kings and realize that we are not just valuable in His eyes but priceless jewels. Maybe then we can let His measure of our worth determine how we see ourselves.
Jesus, it is so difficult to block out the negative words and thoughts that permeate so many of our surroundings. We can't shield our eyes enough from images in check out lines buying groceries or clothes shopping in department stores. Help us to keep our gaze on You so that our perspective matches Your's not the world's. We may be in it, but You've told us we're not of it. Help us to stand apart from it. Amen.
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