Saturday, January 27, 2018

Weekly Recap

Need a reminder of what God showed us this week? Here's where we've been this week. All pictures are linked to the post.

On Monday we talked about God's ability to redeem anything from our past, regardless of the amount of time that has gone by.

On Tuesday we talked about cultivating the Fruits of the Spirit and how we might exchange them for unhealthy fruit without even realizing it.

On Wednesday we learned that God will often reveal things about the way He created us to help us better understand ourselves, our need for Him, and that He will always finish the good works He begins in us.

Thursday we learned that being offended is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it might be God's way of protecting our hearts and minds. 

Yesterday we saw that we have all the tools we need to address whatever is before us, we just have to be willing to get them out and use them. We also learned a powerful six word prayer for when we have moments of doubt. 

Have a great weekend!

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