Wednesday, May 17, 2017


"Comparison is the thief of joy."
Theodore Roosevelt

Social media makes it super easy for us to compare ourselves to others. Of course we know that we are comparing highlight reels and not the unedited reality tapes, but that doesn't tend to stop us. We are great at eyeing up what someone else is doing, buying, or achieving, and we want it for ourselves.

But there is a solution to this madness. We will have to catch ourselves before we spiral out of control for the times we miss, but the answer is so obvious I'm afraid we're missing it. 

When we take our eyes off of God who has given us everything through Jesus, including the breath in our lungs, we end up wanting things that don't really matter. Our God meets every single need we have. Probably not in the way we might envision, but He does. And when we wish for, long for, or whine for someone else's possessions, accolades, or position, we are essentially saying that what God has given us is not enough.

But letting God fill us with His word, wisdom, wonder, and love is the fastest way to feel satisfied across the board. Why? Because when He is enough, everything else is gravy.

There are a lot of things I desired in the past. But with time I have come to realize not a single one of them was going to make me happier or more joyful than my relationship with Jesus. Yes, it might be nice to have some of those luxuries, but if they rob me of seeing God at work, they just aren't worth it. Because the truth is, there will never be a profit in gaining the world but losing my soul.

Lord, I can't imagine starting my day without declaring Your love or ending it without recognizing Your faithfulness. You have never left any of my needs unmet and Your creative ways in meeting them always leave me in awe. Thank your for reminding me that Your plans for me are good and that I have no reason to compare my life with someone else. I love you.

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