Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Dwelling Place

I'll be honest, I thought I was going to write much earlier so I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

Pslam 43:3 
Send me your light and your care, let them lead me; 
let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.

There's a song on the radio now by Tauren Wells called Hills and Valleys that talks about how whether we are in the best or worst place we can possibly imagine, God is still with us. And this is what I realized:

1. God helps us climb the mountain to reach the peak where everything underneath us shows His faithfulness in not letting us fall or tumble to the bottom.

2. When we get there, we will glow with His glory from being so obviously in His presence.

3. After we climb, we are supposed to go back down to lead others through and start the climb again.

I would imagine that like me, you are often simultaneously on both in a valley and on a mountain top. It's never all bad and it's never all good. But in both places, God is there, using the same power that raised Jesus from the grave to put life back into what you probably feel are dry bones and doing immeasurably more than anything you could have ever imagined. Because that's who He is and that's what He does. He sends His light and care to lead you directly into His presence. 

With the slower pace of summer finally in view, I pray that we will take the time to slow down and let God care for us with the peace that can only come from being in His presence. And when our spirits are renewed and our souls are refreshed, I pray that we will lead others directly to the mountain where He dwells so that they can know the God of the hills and valleys, too.

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